KESEF Institute: Lower Taxes, Less Government, More Freedom

KESEF Institute:

Lower Taxes, Less Government, More Freedom

The KESEF Institute was founded to make Israel a better place. Israel has a lot of economic potential which is being wasted and destroyed by the government policies in the country. Israel is afflicted by severe taxation and too much government control in all areas of life.

During the summer of 2011, several protests erupted all over Israel. These were the largest protests in Israeli history involving over 300,000 people, which is about 4% of the total population, and about 5% of the total Jewish population in the country. The people were protesting the expensive cost of housing, the high cost of living, and demanded affordable housing and social justice. The government offered various solutions to appease the crowds, but no real solutions were given.

social protest

The economic problems that have now been escalated to intolerable levels were not caused by the present Israeli government, but they are the result of the socialist Israeli economic system that existed since the founding of the state. Ironically, the party leading the present government has done more than any other political party to liberalize the Israeli economy but obviously not enough, and the protests exploded during the time they were in power.

The objective of the KESEF Institute is to propose solutions to resolve Israel's economic problems. We are not affiliated to any political party in Israel, but we seek to educate all political factions in Israel about the economic strategies that have worked in various parts of the world to solve the economic problems which are now happening in Israel.

Government is NOT the solution to our problem,
government IS the problem.
Ronald Reagan

The solutions that need to be implemented in Israel involve reducing the size of the government, reducing government spending, balancing the budget, eliminating government debt, reducing bureaucracy, eliminating government red tape, government decentralization, extensive tax reductions, and simplification of the tax code. This will give more freedom and a better future to all the people.

Why is it that is so much easier for any Israeli to buy a house or to start a business in any country other than Israel? Because other countries in the world want people to buy houses and start businesses. Other countries give more freedom to their people. There is no need to invent any economic theories that would work for Israel. We only need to discover the economic systems that are already working around the world and implement them in Israel.

What is "Affordable Housing" and "Social Justice"

Why the Government IS the Problem

Solving the Housing Crisis in Israel

Not Enough Land in Israel: The BIG Lie

Hong Kong and Singapore vs Israel

The Swiss Model: 7 Government Ministries is Enough

Economic Development in Israel

Entrepreneurship and Business Development in Israel

NO MORE TAXES !!! No More Subsidies !!!

Building International Financial Centers in Israel

Building Free Trade Zones in Israel

Las Vegas, Hollywood, and Orlando, in Israel

Solar Energy and Wind Power

Water and Environment Protection

Electric Cars Made in Israel

Improving the Educational System in Israel

Improving the Health System in Israel

Freedom and Liberty Quotes

KESEF Institute, PO Box 16380, Jerusalem 91163, Israel